Amazon EC2

AWS EC2 Plugin

Amazon EC2 plugin for Kaholo This plugin is based on aws-sdk API and you can view all resources on github

Method: Create Instance


This method will create a new AWS instance. This method calls ec2 runInstance


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region (Options) Required – Select a region from the appeard list.
  4. Image ID (String) Required – If you already have an AMI ready for launch
  5. Instance type (String) Required – The machine type you want to launce for example: t2.micro
  6. Key name (String) Optional – Add a key-pair in order to connect to the new server.
  7. Security Group ID (Text/Array) Required – connect this instance to a security group. You will have to use a code (code or configuration) to transfer array to the api.
  8. User data (String) Optional – Schell script to run on the instance on start.
  9. Minimum of instances (Int) Optional – The minimum number of instances to launch (by default 1).
  10. Maximum of instances (Int) Optional– The maximum number of instances to launch (by default 1).
  11. Subnet ID (String) Optional– If specified, host the instance on the specified Subnet.
  12. Tags specifications (Text/Object) Optional – The tags to apply to the resources during launch.

Method: Start Instance


Starts an Amazon EBS-backed instance that you’ve previously stopped. This method calls ec2 startinstance


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region – The region which you want to launch the instance.
  4. Instances Ids – The IDs of the instances. Can be an array of instances.

Method: Stop Instance


Stops an Amazon EBS-backed instance. This method calls ec2 stopInstance


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Instances Ids – The IDs of the instances. Can be an array of instances.

Method: Terminate Instances


Terminate EC2 instances. This method calls ec2 terminateInstance


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Instances Ids – Array of Instance IDs.

Method: Reboot Instance


Requests a reboot of the specified instances. This operation is asynchronous; it only queues a request to reboot the specified instances. This method calls ec2 rebootInstance


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Instances Ids – The IDs of the instances. Can be an array of instances.

Describe Key Pair


Describes the specified key pairs or all of your key pairs.. This method calls ec2 describeKeyPair


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region

Method: Create Key Pair


This methods will create a new Key Pair This method calls ec2 createKeyPair


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Key Pair name – the name for the new key-pair

Method: Delete Key Pair


This method will delete a Key Pair. This method calls ec2 deleteKeyPair


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Key Pair name – the name of the key-pair

Method: Allocate an address


Allocates an Elastic IP address to your AWS account. This method calls ec2 allocateAddress


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Domain  Set to vpc to allocate the address for use with instances in a VPC
    Default: The address is for use with instances in EC2-Classic.
    Possible values include:
    – “vpc”
    – “standard”
  5. Address – (string) The Elastic IP address to recover or an IPv4 address from an address pool.
  6. PublicPV4Pool – The ID of an address pool that you own. Use this parameter to let Amazon EC2 select an address from the address pool. To specify a specific address from the address pool, use the Address parameter instead.
  7. DryRun – (Boolean) Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response.

Method: Associate an Address


Associates an Elastic IP address with an instance or a network interface. Before you can use an Elastic IP address, you must allocate it to your account. This method calls ec2 associateAddress


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Allocation ID – The allocation ID. This is required for EC2-VPC.
  5. Instance ID – The ID of the instance. This is required for EC2-Classic.
  6. Public IP – The Elastic IP address to associate with the instance. This is required for EC2-Classic.
  7. Allow Reassociation (Boolean) – For a VPC in an EC2-Classic account, specify true to allow an Elastic IP address that is already associated with an instance or network interface to be reassociated with the specified instance or network interface.
  8. DryRun (Boolean) – Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response.
  9. Network InterfaceID – The ID of the network interface. If the instance has more than one network interface, you must specify a network interface ID.
  10. Private IP Address – The primary or secondary private IP address to associate with the Elastic IP address.

Method: Release an address


Releases the specified Elastic IP address. This method calls ec2 releaseAddress


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Allocation ID – The allocation ID. Required for EC2-VPC.
  5. Public IP – The Elastic IP address. Required for EC2-Classic.
  6. DryRun (Boolean) – Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response.

Method: Describe instance


Describes the specified instances or all of AWS account’s instances. This method calls ec2 describeInstances


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Instance IDs – Array of instance IDs.
  5. Filters – Array of filters
  6. DryRun (boolean) – hecks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response.
  7. Max Results – The maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned NextToken value.
  8. Next Token – The token to request the next page of results

Method: Create VPC


Creates a VPC with the specified IPv4 CIDR block. This method calls ec2 createVpc


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (Options) Required – The region to create the VPC in.
  4. CIDR Block (String) Optional – The IPv4 network range for the VPC, in CIDR notation. For example,
  5. Amazon Provided Blocks (Boolean) Optional – Requests an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block with a /56 prefix length for the VPC. You cannot specify the range of IP addresses, or the size of the CIDR block.
  6. Instance Tenancy (Options) Optional – The tenancy options for instances launched into the VPC. value can be “default” or .”dedicated”.
  7. Create Internet Gateway (Boolean) Optional – If true, create an Internet gateway and attach it to the specified VPC. Default value is false.
  8. Create Route Table (Boolean) Optional – If true, create a Route Table inside this VPC. If a subnet or an internet gateway were also created automatically, associate the route table with whoever was created. Default value is false.
  9. Create Security Group (Boolean) Optional – If true, create a VPC-Security group, for this VPC. Default value is false.
  10. Tags (Array of objects/Text) Optional – If specified, tag all resources created(At least the VPC, more if checked the create box for any other resource) with the tags specified. Each tag should either be in the format of Key=Value or just Key. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line. Also accepts getting an array of objects in the form of { Key, Value } or { Key }.
  11. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.
  • Please Notice! It is required to pass either the ‘CIDR Block’ parameter or to pass true in the ‘Amazon Provided Blocks’ parameter

Method: Delete VPC


Deletes the specified VPC. You must detach or delete all gateways and resources that are associated with the VPC before you can delete it. This method calls ec2 deleteVpc


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. VPC ID – The ID of the VPC.
  5. DryRun (boolean) – hecks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response.

Method: Create Subnet


Create a subnet within a VPC. This method calls ec2 createSubnet


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (Options) Required – The region to create this Subnet in.
  4. VPC ID (String) Required – The ID of the VPC of the subnet to create.
  5. Route Table ID (String) Optional – If specified, assoicate the subnet with the specified Route Table. Doesn’t work together with the parameter ‘Create Private Route Table’.
  6. Availability Zone (String) Optional – The Availability Zone or Local Zone for the subnet. Default(if not provided): AWS selects one for you. If you create more than one subnet in your VPC, AWS does not necessarily select a different zone for each subnet. To create a subnet in a Local Zone, set this value to the Local Zone ID, for example us-west-2-lax-1a. For information about the Regions that support Local Zones, see Available Regions in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. To create a subnet in an Outpost, set this value to the Availability Zone for the Outpost and specify the Outpost ARN.
  7. CIDR Block (String) Optional – The IPv4 network range for the subnet, in CIDR notation. For example,
  8. IPv6 CIDR Block (String) Optional – The IPv6 network range for the subnet, in CIDR notation. The subnet size must use a /64 prefix length.
  9. Outpost Arn (String) Optional – The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. If you specify an Outpost ARN, you must also specify the Availability Zone of the Outpost subnet.
  10. Nat Gateway Allocation ID (String) Optional – If specified, create a NAT Gateway within the subnet created, with the Elastic IP address of the specified Allocation.
  11. Create Private Route Table (Boolean) Optional – If specified create a new route table and connect it to the subnet. In case a NAT Gateway was also created from this function, also create a default route from the route table to the NAT Gateway. This proccess needs to wait for the NAT Gateway to be available which might take a couple of minutes!
  12. Map Public IP On Launch (Boolean) Optional – If specified modify the attribute ‘Map Public IP On Launch’ on the subnet to true, using this command: documentaion. The subnet will map a public ip address to any instance launched from it.
  13. Tags (Array of objects/Text) Optional – If specified, tag all resources created(Subnet and maybe Nat Gateway) with the tags specified. Each tag should either be in the format of Key=Value or just Key. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line. Also accepts getting an array of objects in the form of { Key, Value } or { Key }.
  14. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.

Method: Delete Subnet


Deletes the specified subnet. You must terminate all running instances in the subnet before you can delete the subnet. This method calls ec2 deleteSubnet


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Subnet ID – The ID of the subnet.
  5. DryRun (boolean) – hecks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response.

Method: Modify Instance Type


Modify the instance type of the instance(s) specified. You must stop all instance(s) specified before you can modify their instance type. This method calls ec2 ModifyInstanceAttribute


  1. Access Key – This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
  2. Secret Key – This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
  3. Region
  4. Instance IDs – Instance IDs of all instances you want to modify. Accecpts either a string with one or multiple instance IDs, each seperated with a new line, or an Array of instance IDs strings passed from code.
  5. instanceType – The new Instance Type to modify all specified instances to.

Method: Create Internet Gateway


Create a new Internet Gateway. This method calls ec2 createInternetGateway


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (AutoComplete) Required – The region to create this Internet Gateway in.
  4. VPC ID (String) Optional – If specified, attach the newly created Internet Gateway to the specified VPC.
  5. Tags (Array of objects/Text) Optional – If specified, tag the Internet Gateway with the tags specified. Each tag should either be in the format of Key=Value or just Key. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line. Also accepts getting an array of objects in the form of { Key, Value } or { Key }.
  6. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.

Method: Create Route Table


Create a route table in the VPC specified. This method calls ec2 createRouteTable


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (AutoComplete) Required – The region to create this Route Table in.
  4. VPC ID (String) Required – The VPC to create this Route Table in.
  5. Subnet ID (String) Optional – If specified, associate the created Route Table with the specified Subnet.
  6. Gateway ID (String) Optional – If specified, associate the created Route Table with the specified Internet Gateway.
  7. Tags (Array of objects/Text) Optional – If specified, tag the Route Table with the tags specified. Each tag should either be in the format of Key=Value or just Key. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line. Also accepts getting an array of objects in the form of { Key, Value } or { Key }.
  8. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.

Method: Create NAT Gateway


Create a NAT Gateway in the VPC specified. This method calls ec2 createNatGateway


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (AutoComplete) Required – The region to create this NAT Gateway in.
  4. Subnet ID (String) Required – The subnet to create this NAT Gateway in.
  5. Allocation ID (String) Required – The allocation ID of an Elastic IP address to associate with the NAT gateway. If the Elastic IP address is associated with another resource, you must first disassociate it.
  6. Tags (Array of objects/Text) Optional – If specified, tag the NAT Gateway with the tags specified. Each tag should either be in the format of Key=Value or just Key. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line. Also accepts getting an array of objects in the form of { Key, Value } or { Key }.
  7. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.

Method: Create Security Group


Create a new Security Group. This method calls ec2 createSecurityGroup


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (AutoComplete) Required – The region to create this Security Group in.
  4. Name (String) Required – The name of the new security group to create.
  5. Description (Text) Required – The description of the security group.
  6. VPC ID (String) Optional – The ID of the VPC. Required for EC2-VPC Security Group.
  7. Tags (Array of objects/Text) Optional – If specified, tag the Security Group with the tags specified. Each tag should either be in the format of Key=Value or just Key. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line. Also accepts getting an array of objects in the form of { Key, Value } or { Key }.
  8. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.

Method: Associate Route Table


Associate the specified route table with either a subnet or an internet gateway or both. This method calls ec2 associateRouteTable. The original method only supports associating a subnet or a gateway, so this method can call the original method up to two times.


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (AutoComplete) Required – The region to create this Security Group in.
  4. Route Table ID (String) Required – The ID of the route table to associate.
  5. Subnet ID (String) Optional – If specified, associate the route table with the specified subnet.
  6. Gateway ID (String) Optional – If specified, associate the route table with the specified internet gateway.
  7. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.

Method: Attach Internet Gateway


Attach the specified Internet Gateway with a VPC. This method calls ec2 attachInternetGateway.


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (AutoComplete) Required – The region to create this Security Group in.
  4. Gateway ID (String) Required – The ID of the internet gateway to attach to the VPC.
  5. VPC ID (String) Required – The ID of the VPC to attach the internet gateway to.
  6. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.

Method: Add Security Group Rules


Creates new rules for the specified security group. Can be either Ingress/Egrass type rule and also either Authorize\Revoke type. This method calls one of the following ec2 methods:


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (AutoComplete) Required – The region to create this Security Group in.
  4. Group ID (String) Required – The ID of security group to add the rules to.
  5. Rule Type (Options) Optional – The type of rules to create. Possible Values are: Ingress-Authorize/Egress-Authorize/Ingress-Revoke/Egress-Revoke. Default Value is Ingress-Authorize.
  6. CIDR IPv4 Blocks (Text) Optional – The IP v4 ranges in CIDR notation to apply to the rule(To autorize\revoke). To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line.
  7. CIDR IPv4 Blocks (Text) Optional – The IP v6 ranges in CIDR notation to apply to the rule(To autorize\revoke). To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line.
  8. From Ports (Text) Required – The source ports to apply the rule to. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line.
  9. To Ports (Text) Required – The target ports to apply the rule to. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line. If specified the same number of ports as ‘From Ports’ map each port in ‘From Ports’ to a port specified here. If not, map each port on ‘From Ports’ to all ports specified here. For example:
  • From Ports: 22, 80. To Ports: 22, 80. => 2 rules, 22->22, 80->80.
  • From Ports: 80, 8080. To Ports: 80. => 2 rules, 80->80, 8080->80.
  1. Ip Protocol (String) Required – The IP Protocol to apply to this rule(either authrize\revoke access for this protocol).
  2. Description (Text) Optional – The description of the rules created.
  3. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false.

Method: Create Route


Create a new route inside the specified Route Table. This method calls ec2 createRoute.


  1. Access Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  2. Secret Key (Vault) Optional – Used to authenticate to AWS.
  3. Region (AutoComplete) Required – The region to create this Security Group in.
  4. Route Table ID (String) Required – The ID of the route table to create the route in.
  5. Gateway ID (String) Optional – ID of an internet gateway. If specified make the Internet Gateway specified the target of the route.
  6. NAT Gateway ID (String) Optional – ID of a NAT gateway. If specified make the NAT Gateway specified the target of the route.
  7. Instance ID (String) Optional – ID of an Instance. If specified make the Instance specified the target of the route.
  8. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – If specified, don’t make any changes, just check if you have sufficant permissions to do this action. Default value is false. Can only accepot one of paramaters 5-7

Method: Create Volume

Create a new volume in the specified availability zone or outpost.


  1. Access key (Vault) Required if not in settings – The Access Key ID to use to authenticate to AWS for this request.
  2. Secret key (Vault) Required if not in settings – The Access Key Secret to use to authenticate to AWS for this request.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required – The region to execute the request in.
  4. Availability Zone (String) Required if no outpost specified – The Availability Zone to execute the requestin which to create the volume.
  5. Volume Type (Options) Required – The volume type. Possible values: Standard | io1 | io2 | gp2 | sc1 | st1 | gp3. Volume types are:
  • General Purpose SSD: gp2 | gp3
  • Provisioned IOPS SSD: io1 | io2
  • Throughput Optimized HDD: st1
  • Cold HDD: sc1
  • Magnetic: standard
  1. Size(In GBs) (String) Required if no snapshot specified – The size of the volume, in GBs. You must specify either a snapshot ID or a volume size. If you specify a snapshot, the default is the snapshot size. You can specify a volume size that is equal to or larger than the snapshot size.
  2. IOPS (String) Required for volume types: io1, io2 and gp3 – The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS).
  3. Create From Snapshot(ID) (String) Required if no size provided – If specified create the volume from the snapshot specified.
  4. Outpost ARN (String) Optional – If specified create the volume on the outpost specified.
  5. Throughput (String) Optional – This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes. The throughput to provision for the volume, with a maximum of 1,000 MiB/s.
  6. Is Encrypted (Boolean) Optional – Indicates Whether to encrypt the volume or not. Encryption type depends on the volume origin (new or from a snapshot), starting encryption state, ownership, and whether encryption by default is enabled.
  7. KMS Key ID (String) Optional – The identifier of the Key Management Service (KMS) KMS key to use for Amazon EBS encryption. If this parameter is not specified, your KMS key for Amazon EBS is used. If KmsKeyId is specified, the encrypted state must be true. You can specify the KMS key using any of the following: Key ID | Key alias | Key ARN | Alias ARN
  8. Multi Attach Enabled (Boolean) Optional – Indicates whether to enable Amazon EBS Multi-Attach. If you enable Multi-Attach, you can attach the volume to up to 16 Instances built on the Nitro System in the same Availability Zone. This parameter is supported with io1 and io2 volumes only.
  9. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.
  10. Wait Until Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If true wait until the end of the operation. The operation ends when the volume is ready.

Method: Create EBS Snapshot

Create a new snapshot of the specified EBS volume.


  1. Access key (Vault) Required if not in settings – The Access Key ID to use to authenticate to AWS for this request.
  2. Secret key (Vault) Required if not in settings – The Access Key Secret to use to authenticate to AWS for this request.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required – The region to execute the request in.
  4. Volume ID (String) Required – The ID of the volume to create the snapshot of.
  5. Description (Text) Optional – A description for the snapshot.
  6. Outpost ARN (String) Optional – If specified, create the snapshot on the outpost specified. Not related to the outpost the volume is stored on.
  7. Dry Run (Boolean) Optional – Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.
  8. Wait Until Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If true wait until the end of the operation. The operation ends when the snapshot is completed.