AWS Route53

AWS Route53 Plugin

AWS Route53 plugin for Kaholo


  1. Access Key ID(Vault)
  2. Secret Access key(Vault)

Method Create Record

Create a resource record set, which contains authoritative DNS information for a specified domain name or subdomain name. documentation


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Optional
  2. Secret Access key (Vault) Optional
  3. Hosted Zone ID (String) Required – The ID of the hosted zone that you want to create tuehe record in.
  4. Name (String) Required – The name of the record that you want to create.
  5. Record Type (options) Required – The DNS record type.
  6. Value (String) Required – The new DNS record value, not to exceed 4,000 characters.
  7. TTL (Int) Optional – The resource record cache time to live (TTL), in seconds. Default is 60.
  8. Comment (String) Optional – Any comments you want to include about the Create request.

Change Resource Record Sets

Creates, changes, or deletes resource record sets. documentation


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Optional
  2. Secret Access key (Vault) Optional
  3. Hosted Zone ID (String) Required – The ID of the hosted zone that you want to change record sets in it.
  4. Changes Array (array) Required – An array of objects, each representing a change to do in the record set. You can see the possible and Required fields for this object in the documentation in the changes field inside the json request.
  5. Comment (String) Optional – Any comments you want to include about this batch request.

Create Hosted Zone

Creates a new public or private hosted zone. documentation


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Optional
  2. Secret Access key (Vault) Optional
  3. Domain Name (String) Required The name of the domain. Specify a fully qualified domain name, for example, The trailing dot is Optional. – The ID of the hosted zone that you want to change record sets in it.
  4. Private (Boolean) Optional – A value that indicates whether this is a private hosted zone. Default is false.
  5. VPC Region (Autocomplete String) Optional – The region that an Amazon VPC was created in. For private hosted zones only.
  6. VPC ID (String) Optional – The ID of an Amazon VPC. For private hosted zones only.
  7. Comment (Text) Optional – Any comments that you want to include about the hosted zone.
  8. Delegation Set ID (String) Optional – If specified, associate the specified reusable delegation set with this hosted zone.