AWS S3 Plugin

This plugin is based on S3 AWS SDK Documentaion


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in action – The ID of the access key of the default IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in action – The access key secret of the default IAM user to connect with.
  3. Region (String) Required if not in action – The AWS region to make requests to on default.

Method: Create Bucket

Create a new S3 bucket


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Create the new bucket in the specified region.
  4. Name (String) Required – The name of the new bucket to create.

Method: Upload File To Bucket

Upload a file to the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to upload the object to. Learn More
  5. File Path (String) Required – The local path of the file on the agent running this action.
  6. Dest Object Path (String) Required – The Path and name(key) of the new object created in the bucket for the file.

Method: Delete Bucket

Delete the specified bucket


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to delete. Learn More

Method: Delete Object

Delete the specified object in the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Object Path (String) Required – The path and name(key) of the object to delete.

Method: List Bucket’s Objects

List all objects matching the provided criteria in the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Prefix (String) Optional – Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix.
  6. Max Results (String) Optional – The maximum number of results to return. Default value is 1000.
  7. Next Continuation Token (String) Optional – In case of pagination. If listed objects and more results left to return than ‘NextContinuationToken’ will be provided for you to continue listing from the point stopped. Learn More

Method: List Buckets

List all buckets owned by the signed user.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.

Method: Manage Public Access Block

Manage the public access block of the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Block Public Acls (Boolean) Optional – Specifies whether AWS should block public access control lists (ACLs) for this bucket and objects in this bucket.
  6. Block Public Policy (Boolean) Optional – Specifies whether AWS should block public bucket policies for this bucket.
  7. Ignore Public Acls (Boolean) Optional – Specifies whether AWS should ignore public ACLs for this bucket and objects in this bucket.
  8. Restrict Public Buckets (Boolean) Optional – Specifies whether AWS should restrict public bucket policies for this bucket.

Method: Manage Bucket ACL

Manage the permissions of the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Object Grant Type (Options) Required if no ACL Grant Type – The type of permission to give to the specified users and groups for access to the buckets objects. Possible values: Read and Write | Read | Write | None
  6. ACL Grant Type (Options) Required if no Object Grant Type – The type of permission to give to the specified users and groups for accessing and editing permissions for this bucket. Possible values: Read and Write | Read | Write | None
  7. Groups URIs (Options) Required if no other grantees – The uri of the predefined group(s) to allow access to the bucket. To specify multiple values provide an array of group URIs from code. Possible values: Authenticated Users | All Users | Log Delivery Group
  8. Users Canonical IDs (Text) Required if no other grantees –
  9. Users Email Addresses (Text) Required if no other grantees – Grant the users with the provided email addresses access to the bucket. Only available in the regions: US East (N. Virginia) | US West (N. California) | US West (Oregon) | Asia Pacific (Singapore) | Asia Pacific (Sydney) | Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | Europe (Ireland) | South America (São Paulo)
  10. Grant To Signed User (Boolean) Required if no other grantees – Grant the user making this request access to the bucket.
  11. Don’t Overwrite (Boolean) Optional – If true, add new permissions to existing permissions(In case they don’t already exist). If false, overwrite existing permissions with new permissions provided in the request.

Method: Apply Canned ACL to Bucket

Apply a predefined set of ACL permissions to the bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Canned ACL Type (Options) Required – The type of predfined ACL permissions to apply to the bucket. Possible values: Private | Public Read | Public Read Write | Authenticated Read

Method: Manage Bucket Versioning

Manage the versioning settings of the bucket


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Status (Options) Required – whether to enable or disable versioning in the bucket. Possible values Enabled | Disabled.
  6. MFA Delete (Options) Optional – whether to enable or disable MFA Delete feature in the bucket. Possible values Enabled | Disabled. Default value is disabled.
  7. MFA (String) Required if MFA Delete is enabled – The concatenation of the authentication device’s serial number, a space, and the value that is displayed on your authentication device.

Method: Apply Bucket Policy

Apply the specified policy to the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Policy Object (JSON/Object) Required – The policy to apply to this bucket. Learn More

Method: Get Bucket Policy

Get the current policy of the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More

Method: Delete Bucket Policy

Delete the current policy of the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More

Method: Manage Bucket Logging

Manage the logging settings of the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Source Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to enable or disable logging in.
  5. Disable Logging (Boolean) Optional – If true disable logging, else enable it.
  6. Target Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – In case of enabling logging, save all logs in the specified bucket.
  7. Target Prefix (String) Required – assign the specified prefix to the names of all log files created. Should include the path the logs is saved in the target bucket.
  8. Permission Type (Options) Optional – If specified, give access to the logging resources of the bucket to all users and groups specified. Possible values: Read | Write | Full Control
  9. Groups URIs (Options) Optional – The uri of the predefined group(s) to allow access to the bucket. To specify multiple values provide an array of group URIs from code. Possible values: Authenticated Users | All Users | Log Delivery Group
  10. User Canonical IDs (Text) Optional – Give access to the logging resources of the bucket to all the users with the specified canonical IDs. You can enter multiple values by seperating each with a new line.
  11. Email Addresses (Text) Optional – Give access to the logging resources of the bucket to all the users with the specified emails. You can enter multiple values by seperating each with a new line. Only available in the regions: US East (N. Virginia) | US West (N. California) | US West (Oregon) | Asia Pacific (Singapore) | Asia Pacific (Sydney) | Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | Europe (Ireland) | South America (São Paulo)
  12. Grant To Signed User (Boolean) Optional – Grant the user making this request access to the bucket logging resources.
  13. Don’t Overwrite (Boolean) Optional – If true, only update values provided and not all of them. If false, overwite existing configuration with all field values.

Method: Manage Bucket Encryption

Manage the encryption of the specified bucket.


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Encryption Algorithm (Options) Optional – Whether to enable encryption, and if AWS should use S3 default key, or a specified KMS Key. Possible values: SSE-S3 AES256 | SSE-KMS | none
  6. KMS Master Key (Autocomplete) Required for SSE-KMS encryption – For SSE-KMS encryption, the ID of the KMS key to provide for the bucket encryption.
  7. Bucket Key Enabled (Boolean) Optional – Specifies whether AWS should use an S3 Bucket Key with server-side encryption using KMS (SSE-KMS) for new objects in the bucket. Existing objects are not affected.

Method: Enable Bucket Website Hosting

Enable Bucket Website Hosting


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Error Document (String) Optional – The object key name to use when a 4XX class error occurs. Learn More
  6. Index Document Suffix (String) Optional – A suffix that is appended to a request that is for a directory on the website endpoint. Can’t use ecscape characters. For index.html suffix value, on a request to samplebucket/images/ the object with the key images/index.html will be returned. Learn More
  7. Routing Rules (String) Optional – Rules that define when a redirect is applied and the redirect behavior. Learn More

Method: Enable Bucket Website Redirect

Enable Bucket Website Redirect


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to make the request on. Learn More
  5. Redirect To Host (String) Required – The host name to redirect all requests to. Learn More
  6. Redirect Algorithm (Options) Required – Possible values: HTTP | HTTPS

Method: Get Bucket Website Hosting Configuration

Get Bucket Website Hosting Configuration


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to get it’s static website hosting configuration. Learn More

Method: Disable Bucket Website Hosting

Disable Bucket Website Hosting


  1. Access Key ID (Vault) Required if not in settings – The ID of the access key of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  2. Access Key Secret (Vault) Required if not in setting – The access key secret of the IAM user to authenticate with.
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required if not in setting – Make this request in the specified region.
  4. Bucket (Autocomplete) Required – The bucket to disable static website hosting on. Learn More