Azure Monitoring

Azure Monitoring Solutions

Kaholo plugin for integration with Azure Monitoring Service.


  1. Client or App ID (String) Required
  2. Secret or Password (Vault) Required
  3. Domain or Tenant ID (String) Required
  4. Subscription ID (String) Required

Method: List Alert Rules

List alert rules.


  1. Subscription (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, show resource groups only from the selected subscription.
  2. Resource Group (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, list alert rules only on the selected resource group.

Method: List Alert Rule Status

Get the status over time of the specified alert rule.


  1. Subscription (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, show resource groups only from the selected subscription.
  2. Resource Group (Autocomplete) Required – The resource group of the alert rule.
  3. Alert Rule (Autocomplete) Required – The alert rule to get back it’s status data.