Azure Web App

Azure WebApp Plugin

Azure Webapp plugin for Kaholo



  1. Client or App ID
  2. Secret or Password
  3. Domain or Tenant ID
  4. Subscription ID

Method: Create App

Description: This method is based on the following documentation Creates a new web, mobile, or API app in an existing resource group, or updates an existing app.


  1. Resource Group: Resource group
  2. Location: (String) Resource Location.
  3. App Name: Unique name of the app to create or update.
  4. Service Plan: The service plan for the new app.
  5. Site Config AlwaysOn (Boolean), true if Always On is enabled; otherwise, false.
  6. SiteConfig (Obj), Configuration of an App Service app.

Method: Clone App

Description: This method clones an existing app service. It gets the original app and uses it’s SiteConfig for the new webapp.


  1. Resource Group: Resource group
  2. App: The app to clone.
  3. New App name: The name of the new app.
  4. Location: (String) New app location.
  5. Service Plan: The service plan for the new app.

Method: Create Service Plan


This method creates a service plan following the documentation


  1. Resource Group: Resource group
  2. Location: (String), Resource Location
  3. Service Plan Name: (String) Name of the App Service plan.

Description of a SKU for a scalable resource.

  1. SKU Tier: (String), Service tier of the resource SKU.
  2. SKU Size: (String), Size specifier of the resource SKU.
  3. Reserved: (Boolean), If Linux app service plan true, false otherwise.
  4. Is Xenon: (Boolean), Obsolete: If Hyper-V container app service plan true, false otherwise.
  5. HyperV: (Boolean), If Hyper-V container app service plan true, false otherwise.

Method: Create Deployment Slot


This method create s Deployment slot following the documentation


  1. Resource Group: Resource group
  2. Location: Resource Location
  3. App Name: Name of the app
  4. Slot Name: Slot name

Method: Delete App


This method deletes an app. More information can be found on Azure’s documentation


  1. Resource Group: Resource group
  2. App: The name of the app to delete.

Method: Delete Deployment Slot


This method deletes a deployment slot. More information can be found on Azure’s documentation


  1. Resource Group: Resource group
  2. App: The name of the app that contains the deployment slot.
  3. Slot: The slot to delete.

Method: Delete Service Plan


This method deletes a service plan. More information can be found on Azure’s documentation


  1. Resource Group: Resource group
  2. Plan: The plan to delete.

Method: Deploy zip to app


This method deploys a zip file to a service app. More information can be found on Azure’s documentation

In order to use this method deployment username and password are required. These should be preconfigured on the app. You can further read on Azure’s documentation


  1. Zip Path – the path of the zip file to upload.
  2. App: The service app to upload the zip to
  3. Username: the deployment user to use.
  4. Password: the deployment user password.