File System

File System Plugin

File system plugin from Kaholo.

Method Copy File/Directory

Copy File/Directory from source path to destination path.


  1. Source Path (string) required – path of the file/directory to copy
  2. Destination Path (string) required – new path of the copy
  3. No Overwrite (boolean) optional – When passed as true, don’t copy if overwrites existing files. Default is false.

Method Create Directory

Create a new directory in the provided path.


  1. Path (string) required – The path of the new directory.

Method Move File/Directory

Move a file/directory from the source path to destination.


  1. Source Path (string) required – path of the file/directory to move
  2. Destination Path (string) required – The path to copy to.
  3. No Overwrite (boolean) optional – When passed as true, don’t move if destination path already exists.

Delete File/Directory

Delete the file/directory in the specified path.


  1. Path (string) required – The path of the file/directory to delete.

Method Path Exists

Returns does the path specified exists or not.


  1. Path (string) required

Method SCP Action (Remote Download/Upload)

Use SSH To download or upload files from remote hosts. You can download\upload either a file or a directory.


  1. Host URL (String) required – The URL or IP Address of the host to upload or download the files from.
  2. Port (Integer) Optional – The port to communicate with the remote host. Default value is 22;
  3. SSH Username (String) required – The username to use to authenticate to the host over SSH.
  4. SSH Private Key (Vault) Optional – The private key to use to authenticate to the ssh host with.
  5. SSH Private Key Path (String) Optional – The path of the private key to use to authenticate to the ssh host with.
  • Please Notice! You can’t use both SSH Private Key and SSH Private Key Path! You can only provide one of them.
  1. SSH Private Key Passphrase (Vault) Optional – The passphrase for the private key that was provided. Only specify in case you have a passphrase for your private key.
  2. SCP Action Type (Options) Required – The type of action to do on the specified host. Possible values are:
  • Download File
  • Download Directory
  • Upload File
  • Upload Directory
  1. Local Path (String) Required – The path of the local file/directory. In case of an upload action, specified file or directory must exist in the local agent this method was called from, and is uploaded to the host. In case of a download, the remote file\directory will be downloaded to the specified path.
  2. Remote Path (String) Required – The path of the remote file/directory. In case of an upload action, this will be the path the file/directory will be uploaded to. In case of a download, the specified path must exist in the remote host, and the file\directory will be downloaded to the local path.