GCP Compute Engine

GC Compute Engine Plugin

Google Cloud Compute Engine (GCCE) plugin for Kaholo.

  • Make sure to enable the compute API on google cloud.


  1. Service Account Credentials (Vault) Required if not in method – Default credentials for authenticating to the google cloud API. Needs to be saved in the format of a json object or a string representing it. You Can get the credentials using this tutorial.
  2. Default Project ID (String) Required if not in method – The ID of the default project to use the methods on.

Method: Launch VM

Launch a new virtual machine instance. You can find more on the method used from the Google Cloud API here.


  1. Service Account Credentials (Vault) Required if not in settings – The credentials to use for authenticating to the google cloud API.
  2. Project (Autocomplete) Required if not in settings – The project to launch the new VM inside. You need access to the “Cloud Resource Manager API” to use autocomplete in this parameter!
  3. Name (String) Required – The name of the VM instance to launch.
  4. Description (Text) Optional – The description of the VM instance.
  5. Region (Autocomplete) Required – The Region of the zone to launch the new VM inside.
  6. Zone (Autocomplete) Required – The zone to launch the new VM inside.
  7. Machine Type (Autocomplete) Required – The type of virtual machine to run. Determines the CPU architecture, core count, and RAM memory size.
  8. Custom Machine CPU Count (Integer) Required for custom machine types – If specified a custom machine type, the number of cpu cores to provide for the new VM instance.
  9. Custom Machine Memory(In MB) (Integer) Required for custom machine types – If specified a custom machine type, the size of RAM memory to provide for the new VM instance.
  10. Image Project (Autocomplete) Required for ‘Image’ autocomplete – The project that contains the image you want to use for the boot disk of the new VM instance.
  11. Image (Autocomplete) Required – The image you want to use for the boot disk of the new VM instance.
  12. Boot Disk Type (Options) Optional – The type of disk to use for the boot disk. Possible values: PD-Standard | PD-Balanced | PD-SSD | Local SSD. Default value is PD-Standard.
  13. Boot Disk Size(In GB) (Integer) Optional – The size of the boot disk. Default value is 10.
  14. Disk Auto Delete (Boolean) Optional – Whether to delete the disk automatically when the vm is deleted. Default value is false.
  15. Api Access Service Account (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, give access to the specified service account to the new VM. You need access to the “Identity and Access Management (IAM) API” to use autocomplete in this parameter!
  16. Service Account Access Scopes (Options) Required if specified ‘Api Access Service Account’ – Possible values: Allow default access | Allow full access to all Cloud APIs
  17. Firewall – Allow HTTP traffic (Boolean) Optional – If specified, create a new firewall rule for the new VM instance to allow HTTP traffic inside(Ingress).
  18. Firewall – Allow HTTPS traffic (Boolean) Optional – If specified, create a new firewall rule for the new VM instance to allow HTTPS traffic inside(Ingress).
  19. VPC Network (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, host the VM instance in a subnetwork from the specified VPC network.
  20. Subnetwork (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, host the VM instance in the specified subnetwork.
  21. Custom Internal IP (String) Optional – If specified, reserve the specified internal IP address for the new VM instance. Must be a valid IP address in the range of IP addresses of the subnetwork to host the VM instance.
  22. Additional Network Interfaces (Object) Optional – If specified, add the specified network interfaces to the VM instance. You can see more information on the format required for the object, in the documentation of the API method here.
  23. Can IP Forward (Boolean) Optional – If specified, Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs. This is required if you plan to use this instance to forward routes. Default value is false.
  24. Preemptible (Boolean) Optional – Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a TERMINATED state. Default value is false.
  25. Tags (Text/Array) Optional – The tags to use to tag this instance. To enter multiple values separate each with a new line.
  26. Labels (Text/Object) Optional – The labels to attach to this instance. Must be in the format of Key=Value. To enter multiple values separate each with a new line.
  27. Wait For Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If specified, wait until the VM instance is in ready state before returning.
  28. Auto Create Static IP Address (Boolean) Optional – If specified, create a new external IP address for this instance and associate it with it. Please make sure when you delete the instance to also release the address.

Method: VM Action

Perform the specified action the specified VM instance. Possible actions are:

  • Stop – Stops the VM instance in the case it is running.
  • Start – Starts the VM instance in the case it is stopped.
  • Restart – Restart the vm instance.
  • Get – Return all information about the VM instance.
  • Get External IP – Return only the external IP address of the VM instance.
  • Delete – Delete the VM instance.


  1. Service Account Credentials (Vault) Required if not in settings – The credentials to use for authenticating to the google cloud API.
  2. Project (Autocomplete) Required if not in settings – The project of the VM instance. You need access to the “Cloud Resource Manager API” to use autocomplete in this parameter!
  3. Region (Autocomplete) Required – The region of the zone hosting the VM instance.
  4. Zone (Autocomplete) Required – The zone hosting the VM instance.
  5. VM Instance (Autocomplete) Required – The VM instance to perform the action on.
  6. Action (Options) Required – The action to run on the VM instance. Possible values: Stop | Start | Restart | Get | Get External IP | Delete
  7. Wait For Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If specified, wait until the action is finished.

Method: Create VPC Network

Create a new VPC network.


  1. Service Account Credentials (Vault) Required if not in settings – The credentials to use for authenticating to the google cloud API.
  2. Project (Autocomplete) Required if not in settings – The project to create the network inside. You need access to the “Cloud Resource Manager API” to use autocomplete in this parameter!
  3. Network Name (String) Required – The name of the network to create.
  4. Description (Text) Optional – The description of the new network.
  5. Auto Create Subnetworks (Boolean) Optional – If specified, let google cloud automatically create some subnetworks on the creation of the new network, inside it.
  6. Wait For Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If specified, wait until the network is a ready state.

Method: Create Subnetwork

Create a new subnetwork inside the specified VPC network, hosted in the specified region.


  1. Service Account Credentials (Vault) Required if not in settings – The credentials to use for authenticating to the google cloud API.
  2. Project (Autocomplete) Required if not in settings – The project of the network. You need access to the “Cloud Resource Manager API” to use autocomplete in this parameter!
  3. VPC Network (Autocomplete) Required – The network to create the subnetwork inside.
  4. Subnetwork Name (String) Required – The name of the new subnetwork.
  5. Description (Text) Optional – The description of the new subnetwork.
  6. Region (Autocomplete) Required – The region to create the subnetwork inside.
  7. IP Range (String) Required – The IP range in CIDR notation to reserve for the new subnetwork. For example
  8. Private Google API Access (Boolean) Optional – If specified, allow vm instances inside the subnetwork to access any google API.
  9. Flow Logs (Boolean) Optional – If specified, enable flow logs for the new subnetwork.
  10. Wait For Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If specified, wait for the new subnetwork to be in a ready state.

Method: Reserve IP

Reserve the specified internal IP address inside the specified subnetwork, by creating a new address associated with the provided IP address.


  1. Service Account Credentials (Vault) Required if not in settings – The credentials to use for authenticating to the google cloud API.
  2. Project (Autocomplete) Required if not in settings – The project of the network. You need access to the “Cloud Resource Manager API” to use autocomplete in this parameter!
  3. VPC Network (Autocomplete) Required for autocomplete in ‘Subnetwork’ – The network of the subnetwork to reserve the IP address inside.
  4. Subnetwork Region (Autocomplete) Required for autocomplete in ‘Subnetwork’ – The region of the subnetwork to reserve the IP address inside.
  5. Subnetwork (Autocomplete) Required – The subnetwork to reserve an IP address inside. Must be in the range of IP addresses associated with the subnetwork.
  6. Reserve name (String) Required – The name of the address resource created for the specified IP address.
  7. IP To Reserve (String) Required – The IP address to reserve.
  8. Wait For Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If specified, wait for the address to be available before returning.

Method: Create Firewall

Create a new firewall rule for the specified VPC network.


  1. Service Account Credentials (Vault) Required if not in settings – The credentials to use for authenticating to the google cloud API.
  2. Project (Autocomplete) Required if not in settings – The project of the VPC network. You need access to the “Cloud Resource Manager API” to use autocomplete in this parameter!
  3. VPC Network (Autocomplete) Required – The VPC network to create the new firewall rule for.
  4. Firewall Name (String) Required – The name of the new firewall rule.
  5. Priority(0 – 65535) (String) Optional – The priority of the new firewall rule. Default value is 1000.
  6. Direction (Options) Optional – The direction of the firewall rule. Possible values:
  • Ingress – for incoming network traffic
  • Egress – for outgoing network traffic Default value is ingress.
  1. Action (Options) Optional – Whether to allow or deny access to ip addresses specified in the request. Possible values: Allow | Deny. Default value is Allow.
  2. Ip Ranges Filter (Text) Optional – The IP ranges the new firewall rule will be applied to. If not specified, apply on any IP address.
  3. Protocol (Options) Required – The protocol to allow or deny access to. Possible values: All | AH | ESP | ICMP | IPIP | SCTP | TCP | UDP.
  4. Ports (Text) Optional – The ports to allow or deny access to in the specified protocol. Only relevant for protocols that use ports.
  5. Wait For Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If specified, wait until the firewall rule was successfully created.

Method: Create Route

Create a new route inside the specified network.


  1. Service Account Credentials (Vault) Required if not in settings – The credentials to use for authenticating to the google cloud API.
  2. Project (Autocomplete) Required if not in settings – The project of the network. You need access to the “Cloud Resource Manager API” to use autocomplete in this parameter!
  3. VPC Network (Autocomplete) Required – The vpc network to create the new route in.
  4. Route Name (String) Required – The name of the new route.
  5. Next Hop IP (String) Required – The IP address to route any requests with the specified destination IP to.
  6. Dest IP Range (String) Required – The range of IP addresses in CIDR notation, to route any traffic that is destined to an IP address in the specified range.
  7. Priority (String) Optional – The priority of the new route.
  8. Tags (Text) Optional – Tags to attach to the new route. Can enter multiple tags by specifying each with a new line.
  9. Wait For Operation End (Boolean) Optional – If specified, wait until the new route was successfully created.