Jira Trigger

Jira Plugin

Kaholo Trigger for Jira webhooks.

How to use:

After installing the plugin on Kaholo, On jira administration console, create a new webhook and set the URL required by each method.

Method: Update issue:

This trigger will start when issue moves across the board in Jira When creating the webhook in Jira – make sure that you check the update issue option.

Webhook URL:



  1. Status Name – The status on which the plugin shall trigger. If not provided than accept any.
  2. Project Key – When provided only trigger on updates from the project with the project key that was provided. If not provided accept updates from any project.

Method: new issue

This trigger execute when there is a new issue in Jira. When creating the webhook in Jira – make sure that you check the create issue option.

Webhook URL:



  1. Project Key – When provided only trigger on new issues from the project with the project key that was provided. If not provided accept new issues from any project.