
Jira Plugin

Kaholo plugin for integration with Jira API.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your default Jira server. Supports either http or https. In case the URL is in format of https://<Host-Name>.atlassian.net, it’s enough to enter the host name.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the default user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the default user to use for authentication.
  • Please Notice You have to provide all the above credntials either from the settings or for each method from it’s parameters.

Method: List Issues

List all issues that match the specified filters.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.
  4. Project (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, list issues only inside the specified project.
  5. Status (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, list issues only with the specified status.
  6. Created After Date (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, only list issues created after the specified date.
  7. Created Before Date (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, only list issues created before the specified date.
  8. Override JQL (String) Optional – If specified, search issues according to the specified JQL(Jira Query Language) instead of the values provided in parameters 4-7.
  9. Fields (Text) Optional – If specified return only the specified fields. Can enter multiple values by seperating each with a new line, or as an array from code. Can enter * to get all fields. Default fields returned are: created, description, summary, status, priority.
  10. Max Results (String) Optional – Maximum number of results to return. Defualt value is 50. Maximum value is 100. If provided value bigger than 100, will still return only 100 results.
  11. Results Offset (String) Optional – If specified, return results from the specified offset index. Relevant mainly for paging. Default value is

Method: Transition Issue Status

Transition the specified issue with the specified transition. Usually transitions match status names, and are made to change issue status.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.
  4. Project (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, see only issues from the specified project when selecting an issue from autocomplete in the next parameter.
  5. Issue (Autocomplete) Required – The issue to make the transition on.
  6. Transition (Autocomplete) Required – The transition to do on the issue. Usually matches status names.

Method: Create Project Version

Create a new project version.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.
  4. Project (Autocomplete) Required – The project to create the version of.
  5. Version Name (String) Required – The name of the new version.
  6. Description (Text) Optional – The description of the new version.
  7. Start Date (Autocomplete) Optional – The start date of the new version.
  8. Release Date (Autocomplete) Optional – The release date of the version.
  9. Archived (Boolean) Optional – Indicates that the version is archived.

Method: Update Project Version

Update Project Version


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.
  4. Project (Autocomplete) Required – The project to update it’s version.
  5. Version (Autocomplete) Required – The version to update.
  6. Description (Text) Optional – If specified update the description of the version with the specified value.
  7. Start Date (Autocomplete) Optional – The start date of the new version. If specified update the start date of the version with the specified value.
  8. Release Date (Autocomplete) Optional – The release date of the version. If specified update the release date of the version with the specified value.
  9. Move Unfixed Issues URL (String) Optional – The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released.
  10. Released (Boolean) Optional – If specified, release the specified version.
  11. Archived (Boolean) Optional – If specified, archive the specified version.

Method: Create Issue

Create a new issue inside the specified project.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.
  4. Project (Autocomplete) Required – The project to create the issue in.
  5. Issue Type (Autocomplete) Required – The type of issue to create.
  6. Summary (Text) Required – The title/summary of the new issue.
  7. Description (Text) Optional – The description of the new issue.

Method: Add Comment To Issue

Add a new comment to an issue.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.
  4. Project (Autocomplete) Optional – The project of the issue.
  5. Issue (Autocomplete) Required – The issue to add the comment to.
  6. Comment (Text) Required – The comment to add to the issue.

Method: List Transitions

List all transitions for the specified issue.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.
  4. Project (Autocomplete) Required – The project of the issue.
  5. Issue (Autocomplete) Required – The issue to list it’s transitions.

Method: List Projects

List all projects in your account.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.

Method: List Project Versions

List all verions of the specified project.


  1. Jira Server URL (String) Optional – The URL for your Jira server. Supports either http or https.
  2. Email (String) Optional – The email of the user to use for authentication.
  3. API Token (Vault) Optional – The API token of the user to use for authentication.
  4. Project (Autocomplete) Required – The project to list it’s versions.