
Kubernetes Plugin

kubectl plugin for Kaholo.

Method Expose Deployment

Executes kubectl expose deployment command. Exposes the deployment for external access.


  1. Deployment (String) Required – The name of the deployment to expose.
  2. Type (String) Required – The type of the service that will expose the deployment.
  3. Name (String) Required – The name of the new deployment expose service that will be created.
  4. Sudo (Boolean) Optional – If selected the command will be executed as super user. default value is false.

Method: Get Pods

Run kubectl get pods command. Returns all the pods in the cluster.


  1. Sudo (Boolean) Optional – If selected the command will be executed as super user. default value is false.

Method: Get Services

Run kubectl get services. Returns all the services in the cluster.


  1. Sudo (Boolean) Optional – If selected the command will be executed as super user. default value is false.
  2. Namespace (String) Optional – If provided, will print only the services in the specified namespace.

Method: Apply

Run Kubectl apply, which creates or updates resources in Kubernetes.


  1. File Path (String) Required – The path to the yml file to apply.
  2. Force (Boolean) Optional – If true, immediately remove resources from API and bypass graceful deletion. Default value is false.
  3. No Overwrite (Boolean) Optional – If specified, Don’t automatically resolve conflicts between the modified and live configuration by using values from the modified configuration.
  4. Dry-run (Options) Optional – Possible values are “none”, “server”, or “client”. If client strategy, only print the object that would be sent, without sending it. If server strategy, submit server-side request without persisting the resource. Default Value is ‘none’.
  5. Sudo (Boolean) Optional – if selected the command will be executed as super user. default value is false.