MS Build

Microsoft Plugin

MSBuild plugin for Kaholo.


  1. Tools Version (String) Optional – The tools version to run commands with. determines local path to msbuild.exe.
  2. MSBuild EXE Path (String) Required – Explicit path to MSBuild.exe to run the commands with. Overrides path determined from tools version parameter.

Method: Build

Build solution.


  1. Path to .sln (String) Required – Path of sln file to build.
  2. Config (String) Optional – Build configuration. usually debug/release.

Method: Publish

Publish a web app.


  1. Path to .sln\.proj (String) Required – Path to .sln\.proj file of web app to publish
  2. Profile (String) Optional – Publish profile. Targets a specific machine.

Method: Restore

Run MSBuild Restore command on provided solution. Restore downloads all missing libraries.


  1. Path to .sln (String) Required – Path of sln file to restore.

Method: Rebuild

Rebuild solution.


  1. Path to .sln (String) Required – Path of sln file to rebuild.
  2. Config (String) Optional – Build configuration. usually debug/release.