MySQL Plugin

Kaholo Plugin for running scripts and queries on MySQL servers.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in method – The connection string to use on default to connect to the MySQL server. Can be in one of two formats:
  • Server=myServerAddress;Port=3306;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
  • mysql://myUsername:myPassword@myServerAddress:myServerPort/myDataBase

Method: Execute Query

Execute the specified SQL query on the connected MySQL database.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. Query String (Text) Required – The SQL query to run on the connected database. You can enter multiple commands separated by ‘;’.

Method: Execute SQL File

Execute the SQL file in the specified path.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. SQL File Path (String) Required – The path to the SQL script file to execute.

Method: Insert Data To Table

Insert all provided data to the specified table. Data is passed in the format of an array of objects, with matching fields names to the inserted table.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. Database (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, filter tables in the next param to only be from the specified db. Default value is the database in the connection string or the server’s default db.
  3. Table (Autocomplete) Required – The table to insert the data into.
  4. Data (Array Of Objects) Required – The data to insert into the specified table. Should be passed in the format of an array of objects with matching fields to the specified table.

Method: Test Connectivity

Test if able to connect to the specified connection string.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.

Method: Get Tables Locked Status

Retrieve whether the specified tables are locked(In Use) or not. If specific table or database wasn’t specified retrieve data on all of them(All tables inside a specific db / All tables inside all dbs the user has access to in the server).


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. Database (Autocomplete) Required for parameter 3 – The database to retrieve data on his tables. If not specified, return data from all tables of all dbs the user has access to.
  3. Table (Autocomplete) Optional – The table to retrieve whether is locked or not. If not specified, retrieve data on all tables in the specified db inside.

Method: Get MySQL Server Version

Return the version of the connected MySQL server.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.

Method: Get Databases Size

Get the size of the specified database, or of all databases the user has access to.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. Database (Autocomplete) Optional – The database to return it’s size. If not specified return data on databases in the server that the user has access to.

Method: Get Tables Size

Get the specified table size, or of all tables.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. Database (Autocomplete) Required for parameter 3 – The database to return info about his tables. If not specified return data on all tables in all dbs.
  3. Table (Autocomplete) Optional – The table to return it’s size. If not specified, return data on all tables inside the db specified.

Method: Create User

Create a new user with the specified permissions. If fails to grant permissions won’t create a new user(Runs entire command as a transaction).


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. Username (String) Required – The username of the new user to create. Needs to be unique(Not used already).
  3. Password (Vault) Required – The password of the new user.
  4. Change Password On Login (Boolean) Optional – If true, require the user to change his password on his first login. Default is false.
  5. Role (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, assign the specified role and it’s permissions to the new user.
  6. DB Permission (Autocomplete) Required for parameter 7 – If specified, and permissions scope was chosen, give the new user access to the specified database. Default value is all databases.
  7. Table Permission (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, and permissions scope was chosen, give the new user access to the specified table. Default value is all tables in the specified database.
  8. Permission Scope (Options) Required to give permissions – The scope of permissions to give to the new user. Possible values are:
  • Read Only – Can only execute SQL SELECT commands.
  • Write(Insert/Update/Delete) Only – Can execute SQL INSERT\UPDATE\DELETE commands only.
  • Read And Write – Can execute SQL SELECT\INSERT\UPDATE\DELETE commands.
  • Full Access – Can execute any SQL command.

Method: Grant Permissions

Grant the specified permissions to the specified user.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. User (Autocomplete) Required – The user to grant permissions to.
  3. DB (Autocomplete) Required for parameter 4 – The name of the database to grant permissions on. Default value is all databases.
  4. Table (Autocomplete) Optional – The name of the table to grant permissions on. Default value is all tables in the specified database.
  5. Permission Scope (Options) Required If No Role – The scope of permissions to give to the new user. Possible values are:
  • Read Only – Can only execute SQL SELECT commands.
  • Write(Insert/Update/Delete) Only – Can execute SQL INSERT\UPDATE\DELETE commands only.
  • Read And Write – Can execute SQL SELECT\INSERT\UPDATE\DELETE commands.
  • Full Access – Can execute any SQL command.
  1. Role (Autocomplete) Required If No Permission Scope – The role to assign to the user. Can’t be specified together with permmision scope, db, and table parameter.

Method: Create Role

Create a new role and grant it permissions if specified. If fails to grant permissions won’t create a new role(Runs entire command as a transaction).


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. Role Name (String) Required – The name of the new role to create.
  3. DB (Autocomplete) Required for parameter 4 – The name of the database to grant permissions on. Default value is all databases.
  4. Table (Autocomplete) Optional – The name of the table to grant permissions on. Default value is all tables in the specified database.
  5. Permission Scope (Options) Required to grant permission – The scope of permissions to give to the new user. Possible values are:
  • Read Only – Can only execute SQL SELECT commands.
  • Write(Insert/Update/Delete) Only – Can execute SQL INSERT\UPDATE\DELETE commands only.
  • Read And Write – Can execute SQL SELECT\INSERT\UPDATE\DELETE commands.
  • Full Access – Can execute any SQL command.

Method: Delete User

Delete the specified user(can also be a role).


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. User (Autocomplete) Required – The user or role to delete.

Method: Copy Table Structure

Copy a table schema only(with no data inside) from the specified database and table to the specified destination database and table name. If destination table already exists in the destination database, create a new temporary table with “_temp” suffix to the name specified, than try to copy old data from old destination table to the new temp table. Afterwards if copy was successful, delete the old destination table and rename the temporary table to be the new destination table. If fails in any step other than renaming the temporary table, will rollback any changes done in this action. If fails in renaming the temporary table won’t be able to rollback any changes.


  1. Source Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use to connect to the MySQL server containing the source table. Will use the value specified in the settings if not specified.
  2. Source Database (Autocomplete) Optional – The name of the database containing the source schema to be copied. If not specified will use the database specified in the connection string or the default database of the server.
  3. Source Table (Autocomplete) Required – The name of the source table to copy it’s schema.
  4. Destination Connection String (Vault) Required if not specified params 5 or 6 – The connection string to use to connect to the MySQL server to copy the schema into. Will use Source Connection String if not specified.
  5. Destination Database (Autocomplete) Required if not specified params 4 or 6 – The name of the database containing the source schema to be copied. If not specified will use the database specified in the connection string or the default database of the server.
  6. Destination Table (Autocomplete) Required if not specified params 4 or 5 – The name of the new table to copy the source schema into.
  • Must provide at least one of the parameters 4, 5, or 6
  1. Override Destination Table (Autocomplete) Optional – If false and destination table already exists, throw an error. If true and the destination table already exists, try to copy all data from it to a temporary table with the new schema, and than drop the original table and rename the temporary table to be the new destination table.

Method: List Databases

List all databases in the connected MySQL server.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.

Method: List Roles

List all roles in the connected MySQL server.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.

Method: List Users

List all users in the connected MySQL server.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.

Method: List Tables

List tables of the specified database in the connected MySQL server.


  1. Connection String (Vault) Required if not in settings – The connection string to use on to connect to the MySQL server. The format of the connection string is specified in the settings.
  2. Database (Autocomplete) Optional – The database to list it’s tables. If not specified use the database described in the connection string or the default database in the server.