MySQL Plugin

Kaholo Plugin for running scripts and queries through MySQL cli.


  1. Connection String (string) Optional – The Default MySQL Server connection string to connect with.
  2. MySql Shell Executables Path (String) Optional – The path on the agent where all MySQL Shell executables are stored. for example: C:\tools\mysql\current\bin.

Method: Execute Query

Execute a SQL query on a MySQL server.


  1. Query (String) Required – The SQL query to execute.
  2. Connection String (String) Optional – The MySQL Server connection string to connect with this time.

Method: Execute SQL File

Execute a SQL script from a file on a MySQL server.


  1. SQL File Path (String) Required – The path of the script file to execute.
  2. Connection String (String) Optional – The MySQL Server connection string to connect with this time.

Method: Dump a Database

Dump Database Tables and if specified also data into a file.


  1. Database Name (String) Required – The name of the database to dump.
  2. File Path (String) Required – The path of the result dump file.
  3. Include Data (Boolean) Optional – Whether to also dump data to the file or not. Default is false.
  4. Connection String (String) Optional – The MySQL Server connection string to connect with this time.

Method: Copy a Database

Copy a database from a source MySQL server to a target MySQL server.


  1. Source Database Name (String) Required – The name of the database to copy.
  2. New Database Name (String) Required – The name of the new database.
  3. Source Connection String (String) Optional – The MySQL Server connection string to connect with to the source database(to copy).
  4. Destination Connection String (String) Optional – The MySQL Server connection string to connect with to the server you want to copy the database into.
  5. Copy With Data (Boolean) Optional – Whether to also copy the data inside the database or not. Default is false.