
Openshift Plugin

OpenShift API plugin for Kaholo.


  1. Cluster URL (String) Optional – The URL of the default cluster to connect to.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the default user to connect to. Can be a normal user(e.g. Bob, Alice), system user(e.g. system:admin, system:openshift-registry), or a Service Account(e.g. system:serviceaccount:default:deployer).
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the default user to connect with.

Method Apply

Create or update resources in your cluster. Update means that if resources with the same name as the ones specified, exist, they will be replaced by the newer version.


  1. Cluster URL (String) Optional – The URL of the cluster to connect to.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the user to connect to. Can be a normal user(e.g. Bob, Alice), system user(e.g. system:admin, system:openshift-registry), or a Service Account(e.g. system:serviceaccount:default:deployer).
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the user to connect with.
  4. YML/JSON File Path (String) Required – Path to a YML/JSON file with info on the Kubernetes resources you want to create or update.
  5. Namespace (string) Optional – The namespace to assign to all resources without namespaces specified. Default value is “default”.

Method Delete Object

Delete any kubernetes object(or multiple objects) by it’s name, type and namespace.


  1. Cluster URL (String) Optional – The URL of the cluster to connect to.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the user to connect to. Can be a normal user(e.g. Bob, Alice), system user(e.g. system:admin, system:openshift-registry), or a Service Account(e.g. system:serviceaccount:default:deployer).
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the user to connect with.
  4. Types (Text/Array) Required – The type(s) of object(s) you want to delete. You can enter multiple values by separating each with a new line. You can see all available types in the file categories.json included in the sources directory of this repo.
  5. Names (Text/Array) Required – The name(s) of the object(s) you want to delete. You can enter multiple values by separating each with a new line.
  6. Namespace (String) Optional – The namespace of the object(s) to delete. Default value is “default”.

Method List Objects

Get a list of all specified objects.


  1. Cluster URL (String) Optional – The URL of the cluster to connect to.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the user to connect to. Can be a normal user(e.g. Bob, Alice), system user(e.g. system:admin, system:openshift-registry), or a Service Account(e.g. system:serviceaccount:default:deployer).
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the user to connect with.
  4. Category (Autocomplete) Optional – The category of the type of objects to list. Helps to filter irrelevant types. Not required and you can choose the type to list without choosing it’s category.
  5. Type (Autocomplete) Required – The type of the objects to return.
  6. Label Selectors(Text) Optional – If specified returns only objects with matching labels. You can see more on selectors here. You can enter multiple label selectors by separating each with a new line. When specifying multiple selectors, returned objects must match all selectors provided.
  7. Field Selectors(Text) Optional – If specified returns only objects with matching fields. You can see more on selectors here. You can enter multiple field selectors by separating each with a new line. When specifying multiple selectors, returned objects must match all selectors provided.
  8. Namespace (String) Optional – The namespace of the objects to list. Default value is “default”.

Method Get Object

Get information about the specified OpenShift object.


  1. Cluster URL (String) Optional – The URL of the cluster to connect to.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the user to connect to. Can be a normal user(e.g. Bob, Alice), system user(e.g. system:admin, system:openshift-registry), or a Service Account(e.g. system:serviceaccount:default:deployer).
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the user to connect with.
  4. Category (Autocomplete) Optional – The category of the type of the object to get. Helps to filter irrelevant types. Not required and you can choose the type to list without choosing it’s category.
  5. Type (Autocomplete) Required – The type of the object to return.
  6. Name (String) Required – The name of the object to return.
  7. Namespace (String) Optional – The namespace of the object to return. Default value is “default”.