OCI Core

Oracle Cloud

Integration with Oracle Cloud Infrastracture(OCI) Core Services.


  1. Private Key (Vault) Required – Will be used to authenticate to the OCI API. Can be taken from Identity\Users\YOUR_USER\API keys.
  2. User ID (String) Required – The OCID of the user to authenticate with.
  3. Tenancy ID (String) Required – Tenancy OCID. Can be found in user profile.
  4. Fingerprint (Vault) Required – Will be used to authenticate to the OCI API. Can be taken from Identity\Users\YOUR_USER\API keys.
  5. Region (String) Required – Identifier of the region to create the requests in.

Method: Create Compartment

Create a new compartment in the specified parent copartment.


  1. Parent Compartment (Autocomplete) Required – The compartment to host the new compartment.
  2. Name (String) Required – The name of the new compartment.
  3. Description (AutoComplete) Required – The description of the new compartment.
  4. Wait For Creation (Boolean) Required – Whether to wait until the compartment is created and active, or not.

Method: Delete Compartment

Delete the specified compartments and all related resources.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment to delete.

Method Launch instance

Launches a new instance.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment to launch the instance in. If not specified will use tennancy ID.
  2. Display name (String) Optional – The name of the new instance.
  3. Availability Domain (Autocomplete) Required – Availability domain of the instance. For example: jUfS:eu-amsterdam-1-AD-1
  4. Preemptible Capacity Type (Boolean) Optional – If specified, place the instance on a shared host using preemptible capacity. This instance can be reclaimed at any time. Default is False.
  5. (Preemptible) Preserve Boot Volume (Boolean) Optional – Only for preemtible instances. If specified, when reclaimed, don’t delete the attached boot volume. Default is false.
  6. Capacity Reservation (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, place the instance on a shared host, and have it count against thespecified capacity reservation. Can’t be provided with Preemptible Capacity Type or a dedicated VM host.
  7. Dedicated VM Host (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, place the instance on the specified dedicated virtual machine host. Can’t be provided with Preemptible Capacity Type or Capacity Reservation.
  8. Fault Domain (Autocomplete) Optional – If specified, place the instance on the specified fault domain. You can read more on fault domains here. If not specified, let OCI choose the fault domain for you.
  9. Shape (Autocomplete) Required – Instance Shape to use for the instance. For example: VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro.
  10. Custom Shape OCPU Count (Integer) Optional – Only for flexiable shapes with custom amount of OCPUs. Determines the number of OCPUs in the instance’s image.
  11. Custom Shape Memory(GBs) (Integer) Optional – Only for flexiable shapes with custom amount of Memory size. Determines the size of the memory in the instance’s image.
  12. Image (Autocomplete) Required – The ID of the base image of the instance.
  13. VCN (Autocomplete) Optional – The ID of the VCN to choose a subnet from.
  14. Subnet (Autocomplete) Required – The ID of the subnet to host the instance on.
  15. Assign Public IP (Boolean) Optional – If specified, assign a public IP to the instance.
  16. SSH Keys (Text/Array) Optional – Public SSH Keys To save in accepted ssh keys in the instance. To enter multiple values seperate each with a new line.
  17. Custom Boot Volume Size(GBs) (Integer) Optional – If specifiied, create a boot volume for this instance with the specified storage size. Default boot volume storage size is 46.6 GB.
  18. Use In-Transit Encryption (Boolean) Optional – If specified, Encrypt data in transit between the instance, the boot volume, and the block volumes.
  19. User Data (Text) Optional – A script to run on the instance on launch.
  20. Wait For Creation (Boolean) Optional – If specified return only after new instance is running. Default Value is False.

Method: create VCN

Creates a new VCN in the specified compartment.


  1. VCN Name (String) Required – The name of the VCN to create.
  2. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment to launch the instance in. If not specified will use tennancy ID.
  3. CIDR Block (String) Optional – The IP Address Range to assign to the VCN, in CIDR notation. Default Value is “”.
  4. Create Related (Boolean) Optional – If specified, create default related resources inside the VCN. The Default resources are an internet gateway always, and if also creates a private subnet, create all required resources in it.
  5. Public Subnet CIDR Block (String) Optional – The IP Address Range to assign to the default public subnet in this VCN, in CIDR notation. If specified, create a new public subnet in the VCN.
  6. Private Subnet CIDR Block (String) Optional – The IP Address Range to assign to the default private subnet in this VCN, in CIDR notation. If specified, create a new private subnet in the VCN.
  7. Use DNS Hostnames (Boolean) Optional – If true, use automatic dns hostnames for this VCN and any default subnets created from this method.

Method: Create Subnet

Creates a new subnet in the specified VCN.


  1. Subnet Name (String) Required – The name of the new subnet to create.
  2. Compartment (AutoComplete) Optional – The compartment of the VCN and the new subnet. If not specified default compartment is the Tenancy.
  3. CIDR Block (String) Required – The range of IP addresses in CIDR notation to assign to the subnet.
  4. Create Related (Boolean) Optional – If specified, create default related resources inside the Subnet. There are only resources needed in case the subnet is private. If it is private, create a private route table for it, a NAT gateway, and a service gateway. Default is false.
  5. Private (Boolean) Optional – If specified, set the subnet to be private – with no access from the internet to it. Also don’t provide public IP addresses to resources inside the subnet. Default is false.
  6. VCN (AutoComplete) Required – The VCN of the new subnet.
  7. Route Table (AutoComplete) Optional – If specified, associate this subnet with the specified Route Table. If not specified will be associated with the default route table of the VCN.
  8. Availability Domain (AutoComplete) Optional – If specified, only allow access to this subnet from the specified availability domain.
  9. Security List Optional – If specified, apply the specified security list to the new subnet.
  10. DHCP Options Optional – If specified, apply the specified DHCP options to the new subnet.

Method: Delete VCN

Delete a VCN and all related resources.


  1. Compartment (AutoComplete) Optional – The compartment of the VCN to delete.
  2. VCN (AutoComplete) Required – The VCN to delete.

Method: Delete subnet

Deletes a subnet and all related resources.


  1. Compartment (AutoComplete) Optional – The compartment of the VCN to delete.
  2. Subnet (AutoComplete) Required – The Subnet to delete.

Method: Create Security List

Create a new security list in the specified vcn.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment to create the security list in. If not specified will use tennancy ID from settings.
  2. Name (String) Optional – The display name of the new security list.
  3. VCN (AutoComplete) Required – The VCN of the new security list.
  4. Egress Security Rules (Array of Objects) Optional – An array of egrass security rules objects. If specified apply the specified rules to the Security List. If not, use default egrass security rule which is: {protocol: "all", destination: ""}.
  5. Ingress Security Rules (Array of Objects) Optional – An array of ingress security rules objects. If specified apply the specified rules to the Security List. If not, use default ingress security rule which is: {protocol: "all", source: ""}.

Method: Create Internet Gateway

Create a new internet gateway in the specified vcn.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment to create the internet gateway in. If not specified will use tennancy ID from settings.
  2. Name (String) Optional – The display name of the new internet gateway.
  3. VCN (AutoComplete) Required – The VCN of the new internet gateway.

Method: Create Route Table

Create a new route table in the specified vcn.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment to create the route table in. If not specified will use tennancy ID from settings.
  2. Name (String) Optional – The display name of the new route table.
  3. VCN (AutoComplete) Required – The VCN of the new route table.
  4. Destinations (Text/Array) Optional – CIDR Block IPv4 addresses, or CIDR labels for service destinations. If specified, create route rules inside the route tables to the specified destinations.
  5. Rules Network Entity IDs (Text/Array) Optional – Required in case Destinations were provided. The OCIDs of the network entities to route the destinations addresses to. Must be in the same length as Destinations
  6. Destinations Type (Options) Optional – If specified any destinations for rules, than determines the type of the specified destinations. Possible Values are CIDR_BLOCK/SERVICE_CIDR_BLOCK. Default vakue is CIDR_BLOCK.

Method: Add Route Rules

Add new route rules to the specified route table.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment of the route table. If not specified will use tennancy ID from settings.
  2. VCN (AutoComplete) Required – The VCN of the route table.
  3. Route Table (AutoComplete) Required – The route table to add route rules to.
  4. Destinations (Text/Array) Required – The destinations of the rules in CIDR block or label notation.
  5. Rules Network Entity IDs (Text/Array) Required – The OCIDs of the network entities to route the destinations addresses to. Must be in the same length as Destinations
  6. Destinations Type (Options) Optional – Determines the type of the specified destinations. Possible Values are CIDR_BLOCK/SERVICE_CIDR_BLOCK. Default value is CIDR_BLOCK.

Method: Update Instance

Update some of the specified instance’s fields.


  1. Compartment (AutoComplete) Optional – The compartment of the instance. If not specified will use tennancy ID.
  2. Instance (AutoComplete) Required – The instance to update.
  3. Display Name (String) Optional – If specified update the display name of the instance to the new name specified.
  4. Shape (AutoComplete) Optional – If specified change the shape of the instance to the specified shape.

Method: Instance Action

Start/Stop/Restart/”Soft Stop” the specified instance.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment of the instance to run the action on. If not specified will use tennancy ID.
  2. Instance (AutoComplete) Required – The instance to run the action on.
  3. Action (Options) Required – The action to run on the specified instance. Can be START/STOP/RESET/SOFTSTOP. RESET shuts down the instance then starts it again. SOFTSTOP sends a stop signal to the instance and waits for the OS to shut down before stop the instance. STOP doesn’t wait for the OS.
  4. Wait Until Finished (Boolean) Optional – If specified wait until the instance has finished shutting down\starting.

Method: Create NAT Gateway

Create a new NAT gateway in the specified vcn.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment to create the NAT gateway in. If not specified will use tennancy ID from settings.
  2. Name (String) Optional – The display name of the new NAT gateway.
  3. VCN (AutoComplete) Required – The VCN of the new NAT gateway.

Method: Create Service Gateway

Create a new service gateway in the specified vcn.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Optional – The compartment to create the service gateway in. If not specified will use tennancy ID from settings.
  2. Name (String) Optional – The display name of the new service gateway.
  3. VCN (AutoComplete) Required – The VCN of the new service gateway.
  4. Service (AutoComplete) Required – The service to allow traffic for, in the new service gateway.