OCI Artifacts

Oracle Cloud Artifacts

Kaholo plugin for integration with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Artifacts Service. Includes OCIR(Registry Service) Inside.


  1. Auth Token (Vault) Required for pull/push image – OCI Auth Token to use for authenticating to registry service from docker.
  2. Username or Email (String) Required for pull/push image – The username or email of the OCI user to use for authenticating to registry service from docker.
  3. Use OCI Identity Provider (Boolean) Optional – Whether to use the Oracle Cloud Identity Service as the Identity provider for authenticating to registry service from docker. Default value is false. Make sure to select this if you need to select “oracleidentitycloudservice” when logging in to the OCI console.
  4. Private Key (Vault) Required – Will be used to authenticate to the OCI API. Can be taken from Identity\Users\YOUR_USER\API keys.
  5. User ID (String) Required – The OCID of the user to authenticate with.
  6. Tenancy ID (String) Required – Tenancy OCID. Can be found in user profile.
  7. Tenancy Namespace (String) Required for pull/push image – Tenancy Namespace. Can be found in tenancy resource page in the OCI Console, or in the main page of the Container Registry Service in the console also.
  8. Fingerprint (Vault) Required – Will be used to authenticate to the OCI API. Can be taken from Identity\Users\YOUR_USER\API keys.
  9. Region (String) Required – Identifier of the region to create the requests in.

Method Create Container Repository

Creates a new container repository in the container registry of the specified compartment.


  1. Compartment (Autocomplete) Required – The ID of the compartment to create the new repository in.
  2. Name (String) Required – The name of the repository to create. Must contain only numbers and lowercase letters. Must start with a lowercase letter.
  3. Public (Boolean) Optional – Whether to enable public access to the new repository or not. Default is false.
  4. Read Me Type (Options) Optional – The type of read me file to attach to the repository. Possible Values are No Read Me/Markdown/Plain Text. If not specified, default value will be determined by Read Me Content. If Read Me Content is empty, than Read Me Type value will be overwritten to ‘No Read Me’. Otherwise, default value is Plain Text.
  5. Read Me Content (Text) Optional – If specified, create a readme file for this repository with the content specified.

Method Push Image To Repo

Push a local docker image to the specified OCI container repository.

  • Make sure you have docker installed on the agent running this method.


  1. Auth Token (Vault) Required for pull/push image – OCI Auth Token to use for authenticating to registry service from docker.
  2. Username or Email (String) Required for pull/push image – The username or email of the OCI user to use for authenticating to registry service from docker.
  3. Compartment (Autocomplete) Required – The compartment the repository.
  4. Container Repository (Autocomplete) Required – The container repository to push the image to.
  5. Image Name (String) Required – The name\tag of the local docker image to push. Can either be any image tag, or already be in the format of: <Region>.ocir.io/<Tenancy Namespace>/<Image Name>If specified image tag\name that isn’t in the mentioned format, make sure to check “Should Tag” Option
  6. Should Tag (Boolean) Optional – Whether to tag the specifie image before pushing it. Required if image doesn’t have a tag yet in the format of <Region>.ocir.io/<Tenancy Namespace>/<Image Name>
  7. Tag (String) Required if Should Tag was checked – The new image tag inside the repository for the image to push. Only relevant in case “Should Tag” was checked.

Method Pull Image From Repo

Pull a docker image from the specified OCI container repository.

  • Make sure you have docker installed on the agent running this method.


  1. Auth Token (Vault) Required for pull/push image – OCI Auth Token to use for authenticating to registry service from docker.
  2. Username or Email (String) Required for pull/push image – The username or email of the OCI user to use for authenticating to registry service from docker.
  3. Compartment (Autocomplete) Required – The compartment the repository.
  4. Container Repository (Autocomplete) Required – The container repository to push the image to.
  5. Image (Autocomplete) Required – The image to pull from the repository.