
SonarQube Plugin

Kaholo Plugin for SonarQube. This plugin is wrapping SonarQube CLI. You can download it from here.


  1. Sonar Scanner (String) Optional – The cli command to execute sonar-scanner. default is “sonar-sacanner”. Can specify path to .bat file for example.
  2. Host URL (String) Optional – The URL to the default SonarQube server.
  3. CLI Token (Vault) Required For Run Test – The token to authenticate when running the CLI.
  4. REST API Token (Vault) Required For Create Project – The token to authenticate with in API requests.

Method: Run Test

Run sonar-scanner on provided project.


  1. Host URL (String) Optional – The URL to the SonarQube server. Required in case wasn’t provided in settings.
  2. Login Optional – The token to authenticate when running the CLI. Required in case wasn’t provided in settings.
  3. Working Directory (String) Optional – The working directory to run this command from.
  4. Project Key (String) Required – Key of the project. Maximum length 400.
  5. Sources Path (Text) Required – Path to the directory containing main source files to test. Can enter multiple values by separating each with a new line.
  6. Additional Arguments (Text) Optional – Any other arguments to send to the CLI. Can Enter multiple values by separating each with new line.

Method: Create Project

This method will create a new project. This method is wrapping SonarQube RestAPI. You can see the API documentation here.


  1. Host URL (String) Optional – The URL to the SonarQube server. Required in case wasn’t provided in settings.
  2. Project Name (String) Required – Name of the project. If name is longer than 500, it is abbreviated.
  3. Organization (String) Required – If you are using Git Repo you should also provide the Organization name.
  4. Project Key (String) Required – Key of the project. Maximum length 400.
  5. Visibility (String) Optional – Whether the created project should be visible to everyone, or only specific user/groups. If no visibility is specified, the default project visibility of the organization will be used.\