
SVN Plugin

Apache Subversion(SVN) plugin for Kaholo.

How To Use

After installing this plugin make sure you have SVN installed on all the agents that will run this plugin. You can download it from here.

Method: Checkout

Checks out a repository to a working copy.


  1. Repository URL (String) Required – The URL of the repository to check out.
  2. Working copy (String) Required – Path of working copy directory.
  3. User (String) Required – Username to authenticate with.
  4. Password (Vault) Required – Password to authenticate with.

Method: Get Revision

Gets head revision of the specified repository.


  1. User (String) Required – Username to authenticate with.
  2. Password (Vault) Required – Password to authenticate with.
  3. SVN URL/path to WC (String) Required – Repository URL or path of working copy directory.

Method: Get Task Numbers

Get all task numbers of a specified repository from its log file.


  1. User (String) Required – Username to authenticate with.
  2. Password (Vault) Required – Password to authenticate with.
  3. SVN URL/path to WC (String) Required – Repository URL or path of working copy directory.
  4. Revision Range (String) Optional – Revision or revision range (1:10).
  5. Search Regexp (String) Required – Regexp to use to filter task number from log file in each revision.