
Terraform Plugin

Kaholo plugin to run terraform cli commands.

How To Use

After installing the plugin on the Kaholo server make sure that terraform is installed on every agent that will run methods from this plugin.


Method: Init

Run terraform init. Initiates the terraform instance in the specified directory.


  1. Working Directory (String) Required – The path of the directory containing the Terraform resources to init.
  2. Upgrade (Boolean) Optional – Whether to upgrade modules and plugins as part of their respective installation steps. Default is false.

Method: Apply

Run terraform apply. Creates all resources needed and runs all terraform scripts.


  1. Working Directory (String) Required – The path of the directory containing the Terraform resources to apply.
  2. Vars (Text/Object/Array) Optional – Variables to pass to the terraform resource. Pass in a key=value format. Can be passed either as text – with each var separated by new line, or from code as an object whose fields are the vars or array of key value pairs strings.
  3. Var File (String) Optional – Path to variables file. Can be passed either as absolute path or relative path to the Working Directory parameter.
  4. Other Flags (String) Optional – Any other flags or arguments to pass to the cli.

Method: Plan

Run terraform plan. Create an execution plan of all terraform resources in the directory specified.


  1. Working Directory (String) Required – The path of the directory containing the Terraform resources to plan.
  2. Vars (Text/Object/Array) Optional – Variables to pass to the terraform resource. Pass in a key=value format.
  3. Var File (String) Optional – Path to variables file. Can be passed either as absolute path or relative path to the Working Directory parameter.
  4. Options (String) Optional – Any other flags or arguments to pass to the cli.

Method: Destroy

Run terraform destroy. Initiates the terraform instance in the specified directory.


  1. Working Directory (String) Required – The path of the directory containing the Terraform resources to destroy.
  2. Vars (Text/Object/Array) Optional – Variables to pass to the terraform resource. Pass in a key=value format.
  3. Var File (String) Optional – Path to variables file. Can be passed either as absolute path or relative path to the Working Directory parameter.
  4. Options (String) Optional – Any other flags or arguments to pass to the cli.