
Zabbix Plugin

Kaholo integration with Zabbix API


  1. Host URL (String) Optional – The full URL to your Zabbix default server.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the default user to authenticate with.
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the default user to authenticate with.
  • Notice! Possible Severity values: 0 – not classified; 1 – information; 2 – warning; 3 – average; 4 – high; 5 – disaster.

Method: Get Events

This method returns data about the events specified.


  1. Host URL (String) Optional – The full URL to the Zabbix server you want to get events from.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the default user to authenticate with.
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the default user to authenticate with.
  4. Events IDs (Text/Array) Optional – If specified then get info only about events with matching Event ID.
  5. Group IDs (Text/Array) Optional – If specified then get info only about events with matching Group ID.
  6. Severities (Text/Array) Optional – If specified then get info only about events with matching severity. All severities must be integers.
  7. Tags (Text/Array) Optional – If specified then get info only about events with matching tags.
  8. Tag Eval Type (Options) Optional – Onlt matters if tags were specified. Whether to return only events with all tags specified(AND), or with some of the tags(OR). default value is AND.
  9. Acknowledged (Options) Optional – Whether to return acknowledged/un-acknowkedged/both.
  10. Suppressed (Boolean) Optional – If specified only return suppressed events.

Method: Acknowledge Events

This method acknowledeges/un-acknowledeges the specified events. Can also close events or change their severities using this event.


  1. Host URL (String) Optional – The full URL to the Zabbix server you want to get events from.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the default user to authenticate with.
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the default user to authenticate with.
  4. Events IDs (Text/Array) Required – The IDs of the events to acknowledge.
  5. Acknowledge Type (Options) Optional – The type of acknowledge to send. the options are: Acknowledge/Un-acknowledge/None. Default value is Acknowledge.
  6. Close (Boolean) Optional – Whether to close the event or not. Default value is false.
  7. Message (Text) Optional – Message to attach to the acknowledgment details in the event.
  8. Severity (Integer) Optional – If specified, change the severity of the event to the value specified.

Method: Get Problems

This method returns data about the problems specified.


  1. Host URL (String) Optional – The full URL to the Zabbix server you want to get events from.
  2. Username (String) Optional – The username of the default user to authenticate with.
  3. Password (Vault) Optional – The password of the default user to authenticate with.
  4. Events IDs (Text/Array) Optional – If specified then get info only about problems with matching Event ID.
  5. Group IDs (Text/Array) Optional – If specified then get info only about problems with matching Group ID.
  6. Severities (Text/Array) Optional – If specified then get info only about problems with matching severity. All severities must be integers.
  7. Tags (Text/Array) Optional – If specified then get info only about problems with matching tags.
  8. Tag Eval Type (Options) Optional – Onlt matters if tags were specified. Whether to return only problems with all tags specified(AND), or with some of the tags(OR). default value is AND.
  9. Acknowledged (Options) Optional – Whether to return acknowledged/un-acknowkedged/both.
  10. Suppressed (Boolean) Optional – If specified only return suppressed problems.